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ArtBollocks:Illusions of Profundity in Fresh Imperial Garb


ArtBollocks: Illusions of Profundity in Fresh Imperial Garb is the latest (and in fact first) piece from the highly secretive art activist known as WTF? It was inspired by a recent story about the artist Maurizio Cattelan who taped a banana to a wall in a Miami art gallery – and sold it for $120 000. Realising he was onto a good thing, he offered to tape another one up and, yes, his dealer found a second person willing to pay the same again! WTF?’s reaction to this was, well… WTF?!!! But then he decided that rather than get angry, it was time to get satirical.

Speaking about ArtBollocks: Illusions of Profundity in Fresh Imperial Garb, WTF? Says: “This piece strives to reach beyond the simple visual element of art and elicit an empathetic, visceral response to the deep pain felt by the artist in relation to what art has become. It thereby constitutes a powerful multi-modal commentary on the contemporary art establishment, satirising and yet simultaneously acquiescing to abhorrent values, paradoxically establishing a fragile, potentially hypocritical equilibrium between anger and desire. This profound meditation is held in creative tension with the intrinsic insignificance of the physical composition beheld.”

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